Sunday, January 30, 2011


January 21, 2011 Friday

After district meeting this morning, we followed the zone leaders over to the house they live in which is the one we will be moving to next week. It’s a house, not part of a flat complex. The yard looks like heck. Zone leaders don’t have time for yard work. But there are lemon, grapefruit and pomegranate trees in the back yard. It has 3 bedrooms and a swamp cooler! Hurray, it will be easier to get to sleep at night. Sadly, there is no heat for the wintertime. Maybe they will move us north before then. The living room definitely needs work. There are old carpet scraps lying on top of the old carpet. We aren’t sure which is in the worse condition. The stove is gas, the fridge is better than the one we have here (and it had tons of chocolate in it that the members had given the elders.) It also has a dryer; the clothesline in the backyard is in bad shape since they use the dryer all the time. Elders Campbell and Elder Kent have promised to get it all cleaned up before we move in. I don’t think it’s in as bad of shape as this one was. We are planning to take the love seat that is in this flat. We are also hoping to swap them one of the banquet tables in their house for the coffee table in this one. We’ll see how it goes.
We used their land line to call Orson’s brother, David, whose wife passed away last week. They had a good talk. We are looking forward to being able to make long distance phone calls again. E-mail once a week just doesn’t fill all the motherly/family needs that this grandma has!

1 comment:

  1. Now I expect to be able to see pictures of the yard soon. I know dad can whip it into shape ;oP However, you better not have that much time on your hands! Lucky with all of the fruit trees available. When do they usually produce fruit? Or do they produce fruit all year around? That is so fun. I hope the ZLs leave you some chocolate. However no headaches please!
