Thursday, January 20, 2011


January 4, 2011 Tuesday

Late Sunday we talked about the fact that we were uncomfortable staying in Broome much longer with this unknown status of my leg. I called and talked to Nancy about the “what ifs” if we weren’t close to good medical care. She confirmed our feelings that we needed to come to Perth. So Monday morning we talked to the president explaining the standard of care I would have had in the states because of the seriousness of the possibilities of having a blood clot and the lack of care in Broome. He concurred and told us to go ahead and book the flight and move out with the understanding we weren’t returning to Broome.
We booked our flight for 1 pm today and spent the rest of yesterday packing boxes. We are only allowed one suitcase each on domestic flights. President Maurer and family had brought our one extra bag and our printer to Broome when they flew up the same weekend that we did. So we had to ship all that back to Perth by boat since it costs $35/kilo for extra air baggage. We ran around saying good-by to members. That was hard in a few cases. We weren’t able to catch Samantha. I felt really bad about that. Having less than 24 hours to pack up 7 months of living was a challenge.
This morning I called Dr. Hammond here in Perth. She told us to go straight to Swan District Hospital for a scan when we got here. We then mailed our boxes, cleaned the house, ate the last of the leftovers, called a taxi and went to the airport. It felt so good to finally quit rushing. Because we were taking the wheelchair we’d bought so I could tract, the airlines put me on a special “lift” to take me up to the plane so I didn’t have to climb the stairs. I was so glad—stairs are the hardest part of this deal with my leg.
The Cahoons met us at the airport and let us take her car. We got to the hospital about 5 pm. It was much more efficient than the Broome group in many ways, but even after waiting 2 hours, a person finally came out and said that we’d have to return in the morning for the ultrasound. And that’s even with the “urgent” ultrasound order from the doctor in Broome! Oh well, after 18 days, I guess one more won’t hurt. I gave myself the last of the Clexane shots I’ve been giving myself tonight. Hopefully, tomorrow I can start on pills or find out that I really don’t have a clot and quit the medicine altogether. (My stomach looks like a war zone. With the blood thinner, each injection has made it bruise more.) Then we’d have to figure out what the problem really is in my leg and that would be a whole ‘nother bucket of worms.
But it was good to come back to the Nielsen’s flat tonight. She had some yummy turkey soup she’d made and we had a great visit. Now it’s time to shower and go to bed. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Owie! Your poor tummy. That just isn't very nice. Glad there was no clot for you.
