Sunday, January 30, 2011


January 25, 2011 Tuesday

Yesterday while we were teaching Yingping, she mentioned that passing her writing part of the English test is her biggest worry. We asked her a few questions and decided I could pull out some of my writing skills I’d learned in college and help her out. She was so excited. Since Orson was going to be packing this morning, we arranged for her to meet me at the Victoria Park Library where we reserved a room for an hour. I spent all of last evening working up an outline on writing essays that would help her. It worked out really well today. It took about 25 minutes to go over what I’d prepared to teach her about how to organize an essay. Then she wrote an essay following the outline. She was so happy to see that it wasn’t the huge difficulty she had imagined it to be. I enjoyed being able to help her. Her test is in three weeks. Yesterday she accepted a baptismal date for 4 weeks from now. She is very aware that she needs to feel the truth in her heart before she will be baptized, but she’s willing to work for that goal. She even asked us to teach her the commandments so she will know what she needs to do. She gives beautiful prayers.
We received a box from Melanie yesterday. It had a bunch of Christmas letters that had come to the house, some Big Hunks for my birthday, some corn candy for Halloween, and General Conference CD’s for us to listen to as we drive around. It was just like Christmas all over again.!
Sunday Orson spoke in Sacrament Meeting about the Plan of Happiness. It’s funny how that’s the new name for God’s plan for us here on the earth. On our first missions, it was the Plan of Salvation. That’s also what’s on the pamphlet that we give investigators when we teach them, but “Plan of Happiness” is popping up more and more in General Conference. Is the church trying to become “politically correct?”
Tomorrow we move to Thornlie Ward. We found out today that two elders are being sent to Broome. They are so excited about it. I hope they enjoy their time up there. Perhaps they will nurture a seed we planted and can get some folks baptized up there to strengthen the branch.

1 comment:

  1. Wahoooo Yingping! That is so exciting. I really like how Australia has them take tests before they can become a citizen. That is going to be a lot of fun for you. So we are going to celebrate in 4 weeks, right? The Elders will have a lot of fun finding and following up with all of those people. The camel guy, the wallaby gal...lucky guys
