Monday, November 1, 2010


October 23, 2010 Saturday

Earlier this week we had invited Tony to bring his family to our place on Friday night for tacos. He thought it was a great idea, but said his daughter (from an earlier partner) was playing net ball, and he was going to coach the team at 6 pm. We told him we’d come and then we could all eat dinner at our house afterwards.
He called yesterday about an hour before the game to tell us that Claudia didn’t want to come for dinner. We’d already cooked the meat and bought a gallon of ice cream. Oh well, we can always use the meat and Orson was excited he didn’t have to share the ice cream after all ;o) So we went to watch the game anyway. Net ball turned out to be basketball. There was another inactive member of the church coaching his daughter’s team in the earlier game. Claudia was pretty cold—I think she’s worried that Tony is spending too much time with us. Perhaps she’s jealous. So I didn’t get to hold the baby :o( But their little boy, Manahki, who will be 3 in December, sure was cute. The basketball courts, 4 of them, are outside. And the mosquitoes, “mozzies,” were hungry. Everybody was spraying themselves with repellent. Luckily we had done that before we left the house since we’d seen a few while out tracting the last couple of days. The girls were 12 & 13 and really played well although they weren’t as aggressive as our granddaughters’ teams are. It was fun to watch.
Today, Karen Wylde came over with her sewing machine and a whole bunch of fabric scraps. The two Rollason girls, Tammy and Dale, came and they made scripture bags. It was fun and the bags turned out really cute. They did a good job on them with a little coaching from Karen and me.

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