Thursday, November 11, 2010


October 31, 2010 Sunday

And they do celebrate it here, but not nearly like the crazy masses in the US. We only saw a couple of stores that had costumes or decorations. They were the shops similar to dollar stores in the states. The Halloween stuff only appeared 2 weeks ago. Nobody decorates their house. It’s 7:20 and we’ve only had 3 groups of kids. Actually, a single kid came who comes to FHE. He was heading out to find his friends. Then the Shires kids came with their friend Jessi. She had put black liquid eyeliner across her dogs back and said he was a “Tasmanian Tiger.” And one other small bunch of teenagers and that’s it so far. We are handing out popsicles (after all it was 100 degrees in the shade today). Actually they are like Otter Pops in the states. All the kids need to do is take them home, pop them in the freezer, and enjoy. However, Michael Shires did drink his “punch” while they were here. Then they all asked for drinks before they left. Quite a change from the cold trick-or-treating the kids do in the states.
I gave a talk today in Sacrament meeting today and Orson taught the Sunday School lesson. President Robinson brought a map over today he’d gotten from the Map Department of the church. It is of our branch’s area which makes it our proselyting area. For us to drive in a straight line from one end of it to the other would take about 15 hours. He told us that an LDS family has moved into the furthermost city of our area. They used to live in Broome, moved away, and have now returned to the northwest. He wants us to visit them. They are a very sharp family and are the only Mormons there as far as we know.


  1. Whoa! Do they let you sleep over too? After a 15 hour drive I would hope so. Make sure you call them before you head out. They will be pretty dedicated to come to church every week.

  2. Do they come to church?

  3. One comes to church. Three come to YW :o)
