Thursday, November 18, 2010


November 14, 2010 Sunday

Today in church, both Brigham & Gaelene Dennison spoke. They grew up in New Zealand in large Polynesian families. They both spoke about the dedication of their parents in making sure that they attended church every Sunday. Brigham served a mission in New Zealand. After they married, they moved to Australia so they’ve lived here longer than they lived in New Zealand. He was working in Perth and was “deployed” north on an assignment. When he discovered how warm and beautiful it is up here, he decided the north is where he wanted to work. He enjoys working with and in the Aboriginal communities. They lived in Turkey Creek and loved it, but were then transferred to Port Hedland. He will soon be transferred back to Turkey Creek. She’s been back in Turkey Creek for 6 months while he’s been finishing up his work in Port Hedland. Since she is the only member of the church in Turkey Creek (a 10 hour drive from here, but in our branch) she said church has been reading the sacrament prayers, studying the scriptures, listening and singing along to the children’s songs and the hymns. They are just simply good people, the kind you want to spend time with. We enjoyed our “Ice Cream Sunday” afterward and visited some more with them. The Dennison’s make the total number of complete (meaning husband and wife), active member families in the branch now two—them and the Robinsons. (We don’t count.)

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