Thursday, November 11, 2010


November 3, 2010 Wednesday

November 3, 2010 Wednesday
Yesterday afternoon just before we left the house, an inactive member, Samantha Reynolds, called to say she didn’t have any food and that her son was coming to stay with her for a week or two. I told her we didn’t have anything to do with that and she should call President Robinson. She’d moved a couple of months ago and hadn’t given us her address. She knew we did the bread run, so she was willing now to give it to us.
This morning while we were waiting to get our car back, Raffy called to tell us to call President Robinson and tell him he didn’t have any food. So I called President Robinson. He said for us to buy them each about $50 worth of food even though Samantha hadn’t called him. So today during the bread run we asked Raffy what he needed: rice, meat, cereal, eggs, a pumpkin, milk. When we took bread to Samantha, she was very grateful for the bread but said she was doing okay because her sister was wiring her some money and her daughter had brought over a chicken. She’d been too embarrassed to call President Robinson. So we didn’t buy food for her, but we did buy for Raffy. When we got to his house, nobody was home even though we’d told him we’d be back with food. We brought it home. President Robinson will stop by to pick it up and take it to Raffy tomorrow.
We also did Bran Nue Dae this afternoon instead of yesterday since we’d had a lesson scheduled (which fell through). So we took some cards thinking we’d try that instead of word games which the aborigine folks didn’t know the meaning of. We gathered about 6 together and most of them said they wanted to do the word games anyway. Go figure! So all we had was the same crossword puzzle we’d worked on for 2 weeks. It wasn’t too bad; we’re beginning to remember some of the answers! When we finished, one lady asked if we were going to do the cards now. So we will bring them back next week and one of us will play cards with Ida. The guy who helped us today, Bruce, even said they have card holders so it’s easier for them to hold the cards. We’d worried about that because a couple of the ladies have had strokes.

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