Sunday, September 12, 2010


September 7, 2010 Tuesday

This morning we went to the nursing home with our computers. I was going to start a life history of Henning, and Orson was going to show Janet, one of the therapy specialists, our Posit Science program for improving brain function in older adults. Well, Henning didn’t show up. Robert was there, but he wanders off mentally quite often so I wasn’t sure if I should try to get a history out of him. Janet did sit down and check out the brain program and was quite impressed with it. She said she’d check out to see if they could get it for their computer there which the patients can use. So we felt good about that.
This afternoon we had a call back on a fellow named Joe Dan. Sounds like a fake name. We really didn’t think he would even be at the house where Orson tracted him out. He’d said he didn’t live there. But, surprise, he was there. But he wanted to put us off until Friday. We talked to him about the importance of finding the truth and said we’d return on Friday.
While tracting later on, Orson ran into a lady who was unloading her car from the big grocery run they’d made after just arriving in Broome. She said she’d recently sat on a plane next to one of our “guys” from Salt Lake City. She said we can return to visit with her next week. Do you think the “guy” was Elder Hamula who was here recently?
Tonight was scripture study. Simone called to say he wouldn’t be here because he’d been called back in to work—no big surprise. Orson went to pick up Raffy and, surprise, he wasn’t home. So I went to pick up Dale who came last week and to church on Sunday, and, surprise, she wasn’t home. So I stopped by to pick up Neenya, an aboriginal member, who seldom meets any commitments but has been coming to church lately, and, surprise, she came. She was raised on an island northwest of here. She was sent to the mission in Beagle Bay, north of here, when she was quite young to go to school. She told how as the girls grew older (9-12) they were assigned younger students to dress and take care of along with their studies. Neenya is very intelligent and has been wanting to study scriptures with us. It was good to have her here. She’s been a member since 2006. She’s around 60 years old and quite a character.

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