Thursday, September 23, 2010


September 21, 2010 Tuesday

Tony came over this morning. I was wiped out, so Orson gave him the 2nd lesson about the plan of salvation while I slept. He has a hamburger stand he runs at the Courtyard Market on Saturday and Sunday mornings. He would lose half his income from that if he started attending church unless he can talk Claudia and a helper into working it while he’s at church. He told us the other day that he had paid $10,000 for the stand and his location in the market. At $10-12 a pop for hamburgers and steak sandwiches and $7 for a crepe, he’s probably made his money back several times over.
This afternoon, Sister Robinson came over and Carolyn, who is going to Youth Conference, came and brought the t-shirts and tights she’s found at home. We took her to Target and found a really cute long black dress with small white hearts on it. It has spaghetti straps so she also got a little black bolero-type sweater to wear over it. It will be perfect for Sunday and the temple. She also got a cute pair of black shoes and some black pants that come just below the knee. She’s very excited. I think the branch is paying for them. At least Renee put it on her charge card and said something about President Robinson needed reimbursement for some other stuff too.
We had study class tonight. I got on the phone a little after 6 pm and did some reminder/ride offer calls and we ended up with 3 here, Raffy, Simon, & Dale. It was good. Dale had forgotten her little notebook she writes in so she got a piece of computer paper and by the time we quit reading she had most of the paper full. Orson took Raffy home, so Dale and I stayed here and we talked the whole time on questions that had arisen while we were reading the first three chapters of 1 Nephi. It’s wonderful to see how anxious she is to learn. We sure hope she keeps it up. She’s such a good girl and has so much potential if we can get her baptized and she hangs in there until she finds a member to marry.

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