Thursday, September 23, 2010


September 20, 2010 Monday

Nothing major. Last week by Friday we were wiped out. We’d spent half of Monday preparing for FHE, so we didn’t feel too badly about laying back a bit on Friday. Then we were ready to go at it again on Saturday. So we decided to try taking our P-day on Fridays instead of Mondays. After Sunday, we do feel kind of rejuvenated most of the time.
This morning we were out tracting when Orson came back to the car and said, “Come on. We have a lesson to teach.” He’d found a woman named Jenna who was willing to discuss stuff. We went around to her back patio and were greeted by 3 barking dogs, one small and two of medium size. Her comment was, “Don’t worry, only the dingo may be a problem.” The dingo was a beautiful kind of light peach color with very short hair. He didn’t bite. Whew!
Anyway, we found out that Jenna is a Baptist, but not totally sold on all she gets there. Her biggest complaint is that there are separate Sunday services for the white folks and the black folks. We started in to the lesson and every time we mentioned a Biblical scripture, she would write down the reference because she wanted to look it up later. She loves reading the Bible. When we got to the restoration and I mentioned Joseph Smith, she said she already new about him and his vision because she’d gone to a Seventh Day Adventist school as a kid and had studied about the Mormons. She had a really big hang-up with God and Jesus Christ having bodies of flesh and bones. She kept going back and saying, “But we were taught they are all in one.” We kept talking about it and she gradually began to say, “Well, I do kind of think they are separate.” I finally flat out told her that the doctrine of the trinity was one of the teachings that was an abomination in the sight of God. She seemed to totally accept the idea of the apostasy. She also didn’t like the idea of polygamy and thought we still practiced it. We explained that God can command anything He wants at any time and it’s okay. She accepted that. She’s willing to read and pray to see if what we told her is true. She wants to come to church Sunday and see if that is where she is supposed to be. (Hurray!) And she marked to have us come back on Wednesday to teach her some more. Her married life is a mess right now. She is married, but then she had a two year affair with her boss. It became a really bad situation so her husband invited her back to live in their house which they still own. She said she has her own bedroom and they are trying to work things out. They have three older boys. At least 2 are out working; I’m not sure about the youngest.
So, two lessons in two days—that’s a record for us. :o)


  1. Wow! Congrats on your record. That is great. Especially when you are tracting like you are--one walking one in the car. Goes to show blessings do come from diligence. There is always a way! Good job.

  2. Hey, thanks for the comment, Mel. I knew you could do it ;o)
