Sunday, September 12, 2010


September 12, 2010 Sunday

Yesterday we dropped by to see Katrina and remind her about church today. She said she was doing “brekkie” Sunday with some of the girls from the Mothers’ Group at her old church. We didn’t have much hope that she’d show up for church and we were right. (And there Orson spoke in Sacrament Meeting and I taught the RS/Priesthood lesson.) But she did let us return this afternoon to do some reading with her. We talked about how Christ set up his church when he was there and then we really smacked her with the apostasy so she could see the need for a restoration. She had watched the Restoration DVD and was disappointed when it ended so soon. (It’s just the story of Jospeh Smith’s first vision.) So we went through a ton of scriptures from the Bible which prophesy about the apostasy. We hit her again about the need to pray about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon because yesterday she’d told us she’d started reading the Bible from the beginning again. That’s nice, but it won’t get her a testimony. She was willing to pray and gave a beautiful prayer; but when she got to the end where she needed to ask about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, she hesitated a long time and then just asked some generic thing and closed her prayer. Grrrrrrrrrr. It was so frustrating. She did say we can teach her again on Wednesday so there’s hope.

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