Thursday, September 2, 2010


August 24, 2010 Tuesday

We flew to Perth yesterday. Elder Crawford picked us up at the airport and took us to the mission office. We ended up waiting there until President Cahoon was done with all his stuff, then he took us to the mission home because Sister Cahoon had offered to let us use her car since she would be with her husband and Elder Hamula while we were in town. She had made some great potato soup in preparation for Elder Hamula’s arrival. So we ate a quick dinner with them and they were off to the airport and we took her car and GPS to find our hotel. We are at Sullivan’s Hotel at the west end of downtown right next to King’s Park. It’s old, but super clean and nice. But we think the floor might make a softer bed and a rock a softer pillow!
We did some shopping this morning and early afternoon, took a quick nap and then headed to the mission home later on for a meeting with Elder Hamula and the senior missionaries at 4:30. It was super because we were able to meet the Orths and the Walkers who are also working in distant branches. The Orths are from Brisbane, Australia, and the Walkers are from Highland, Utah. Walkers are on their 3rd mission. We found out our Broome branch is the farthest away and the smallest in the mission. We are also the only one without a building. It was great to visit with them and hear what they are doing to move the work ahead. They also have a pair of junior missionaries working in their branches.
President Cahoon & Elder Hamula didn’t arrive until 6. So we ate and talked at the same time. What a neat man. He was only called to the Seventy 2 years ago. He was an attorney in Arizona. They had 6 children 12-22, none married, at the time. They now live in New Zealand and he travels the South Pacific. (He told that in a fireside for new members & investigators that began at 7 pm.) He counseled us to keep on doing what we are doing and to remember that all these problems are the Lord’s and to have faith in Him. He asked us a lot of questions about what we were finding in the branches. He also indicated that the brethren are aware that the members need to concentrate more on learning the doctrines so we will know why we are asked to do the things the Lord asks us to do. It was a special opportunity to be with him.


  1. Elder Hamula is actually my brother in law Jeff's oldest brother! This is Diane Smith from the ward :) I'm excited to follow your blog, thanks for sharing it with us.
