Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Computer key board no G H see if you notice

July 10, 2010 Saturday


We just discovered tat tree of the keys on my keyboard are not working. Can you notice? You probably can pick out the first two missing letters, but te tird is te quotation marks. Since I don’t quote a lot, tat souldnt be a problem. Look at tat! Te apostope sowed up in don’t in te line above, but now it doesn’t work. O, I just fiured it out. Te automatic spell cecker inserts it in some words, but not all. Mm—I can o back and ave te spell cecker insert a lot of te words.
So today we taut the Brazilian couple, Ricardo and Luisa Lima. What a blessing tat was. They sat transfixed as we explained about our loving heavenly Father and how e wants us to be happy. We went on to discuss how od calls prophets and so on. They totally agreed tat there needed to be a restoration and were trilled when we ave tem a Book of Mormon in Portuguese. We ad tem read Moroni 10:4-5 in it out loud. It was so good to ear the language again. Ricardo said the closing prayer, and it was so sincere. They said they would come to curc tomorrow. We are praying tat they will.
Weve ot to et tis fixed!!!

July 12, 2010 Monday

We’ve tried to et old of the less active member who works wit computers, but e hasn’t returned our pone call. I sure hope we et this fixed soon.
Sad news: Yesterday, Luisa & Ricardo didn’t come to curc. We felt really bad about tat. But, Brother Davis, whom we hadn’t met before came wit is 2 little boys. E is part aborigine and is a medical doctor and very sharp. I took is two boys in for Primary. Jaaron is 8, and Amaaron is 5. Te theme for yesterday was I will Follow Jesus. We worked on learning, Come, Follow Me. Ten we talked about different pictures of Christ and how e was helping others. We tied it to the theme and they came up wit different ways and people they could help. They ad never sun, Do As I’m Doing. They tout tat was a lot of fun. Ten we took walks around the room wit each of tem being the leader so we could follow tem like we are supposed to follow Jesus. It was a lot of fun. I was worried tat I mit not be able to keep tem entertained for an our, but it worked out really well. They are darling boys. Their mom is from the Philippines and a non-member. Jaaron hasn’t been baptized yet because of er.
After curc we ad Ice Cream Sunday. We ad cones and cups of ice cream and just sat around and visited. Tere were 12 of us at curc. Ray eartys mom and er husband were there visiting from Pert. They were a sharp couple. They couldn’t give us any help as to how to reactivate Ray. But they were lad we ad made the contact wit him and is wife.
Tere was a beautiful sunset tonight. We went to Cable Beac and took some potos.

1 comment:

  1. That was an adventure to read those posts. :)
