Tuesday, July 20, 2010


July 5, 2010 Monday

It’s raining. Yesterday and Saturday were cloudy. Yesterday we had a few short little rainstorms, and then last night it started to rain. It’s been raining steadily every since and it’s 4 in the afternoon as I write. There’s still a lot of traffic out there (we live on the corner of a busy road and a not so busy road. But Broome doesn’t have a storm drain system. So the roads just fill up with water. The worst places are the traffic circles; I guess because they dug a little deeper there to make them. I suppose it all eventually runs into the ocean since our little peninsula has water on 3 sides. Have I mentioned that down on Town Beach you can look across Roebuck Bay and see the western coast of the continent out in the distance? The park at Town Beach recently opened a Water Activity that is really popular with the mothers of young children (except on rainy days, of course).
Tonight we had FHE here. There were 13 of us. Seven were kids from 6 to 13. I picked up Tammy Rollason and her little sister. Mellanie Jan, came and brought her daughter who is a nonmember. Caleb, a neighbor boy came and brought a friend. Carolyn Shires came with her younger brother Michael. That made 4 nonmember kids who came. Elaine Cooper came and brought homemade sausage rolls. That’s something I’m going to have to try to make. Raffey had us pick him us since it was still raining. We did a lesson about commitment and used the Living Scriptures animated story of Nephi. The kids really paid attention and were able to answer the questions about all the commitment that was displayed in that story. We played “Conference Bingo” afterwards using the talk that Elder Foster gave in April Conference. He had some good stories that held the kids’ attention. I’d made an apple cake that was consumed except for 3 pieces. Some blonde brownies disappeared entirely as did the sausage rolls.
Orson took Raffey home. He asked if they could swing by the store so he could pick up some bread to drop off at his sister’s. Orson told him to ask his sister if we could come by to teach her about the church. Raffey came back to the car and said we could come back tomorrow at 10 am.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing you guys new how to host parties. Sounds like you are having a lot of gatherings at your place. :)
