Tuesday, July 20, 2010


July 6, 2010 Tuesday

So this morning we picked up Raffey and went to his sister’s house. Her name is Joy, and she lives not far from our house. She’s a widow and has her divorced daughter and her kids living with her. Raffey knocked on the door, and a kid answered it. He asked for Joy. She came to the door, and we greeted her and asked about teaching her the gospel. She looked as if that were a complete surprise to her. Raffey tried to explain a little about a missionary lesson. She wasn’t too excited. We told her about Joseph Smith and the first vision. She still didn’t look too excited. So we said we would drop by later with a Joseph Smith pamphlet. That was probably a good idea since there was so much noise in the house that it would have been impossible to teach a lesson. Raffey stayed there, and we left.
We had to laugh as we drove away. It was very obvious that Raffey had not said anything to his sister the night before about us coming to teach her. I guess he thought it would just be better for us to show up and surprise her.

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