Sunday, February 13, 2011


February 2, 2011 Wednesday

Yesterday morning we started up the tracting process here in Thornlie. Right off the bat, we ran into an ex-Mormon. She was about our age. Her mother had been in the Salvation Army and this woman had loved it. Her mom converted to the Mormons and took her kids with her. This woman hated leaving what she had loved so much. I don’t think she’s ever forgiven her mother for that. She was nice enough to talk to but certainly NOT interested in hearing from us.
We went to Michelle’s house in the afternoon to meet her kids and check on how she was doing. The kids are 8 and 11 and really great. We took our big set of dominoes and taught them to play “Chickenfoot.” They loved it and especially when the younger brother beat the rest of us. We challenged them to start family prayer and personal prayers.
In the evening we went to ward council. It was good. The RS president is an American who served in Brisbane on a mission 15 years ago. She ended up marrying her DL! But so what—I’m married to my DL too;o) We were able to bring up a couple of things that needed attention from the ward. The ward mission leader wasn’t there, so it was up to us.
This morning we both went to our first mission Leadership Training meeting. It was good. President Cahoon spoke about hope and not getting discouraged. The ZLs gave some good training. Lunch was pizza, salad, and ice cream cones.

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