Sunday, February 13, 2011


February 6, 2011 Sunday

Thursday while we were tracting, we ran into an inactive member. Turns out she wasn’t even on the ward list; she had moved from the Armadale Ward while she was inactive and had become one of the “lost” souls who wanted to remain lost. Cecilia is originally from Chile, separated from her husband and has two daughters. She finally consented to let us return and visit with them on Friday. But when we went back, her car was there, her husband and daughters were there but they all said she wasn’t home and didn’t know when she would be back. We left them the chocolate chip cookies anyway and told them not to give her any. They laughed at that. We’ll try to drop by again.
Saturday morning we had just finished chasing down a bunch of referrals when we got a phone call from the Sotos. They are the family we tried to see last Sunday and got the door slammed in our face. They said they wanted us to drop by right then if we could. So we turned around and went there. They seemed kind of discouraged about a lot of things. They hadn’t had much attention from the ward (HT & VT) since their baptism. We told them we’d give them the new member discussions and they seemed happy about that. They asked Orson to give the prayer before we left. Bro Soto called later to say they had both felt “something” really strong while he was praying. They didn’t seem to remember us from last Sunday—I guess they really had thought we were J-dubs.
This morning we went to visit some folks the bishop wanted us to see. We finally got in at the last home. The wife is a member but has been less active for a long time. They have 3 daughters. The oldest is YW age and is being fellowshipped by them. Sister Mihaere said we could come back and teach them. Her daughters’ last name is different from hers, so we think she may not be married to their dad. “De facto relationship” is what they call it here.
James Mikaere came to church. He’s a fellow the elders had taught a couple of lessons. He seems to know half the ward. He was married to the granddaughter of the Preedys who are in our ward. Near the end of testimony meeting, he went up and told folks he thinks this is the right church and he’s been able to quit drinking. During Sunday School, he did let us know that he doesn’t want to be baptized for a year so he can “get everything down.” He seems like a really good guy and has been attending church for a month or so now.

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