Monday, February 21, 2011


February 18, 2011 Friday

This morning we found a member family that has been inactive since moving to Australia from New Zealand 6 years ago. The wife came home just as we got there. She invited us in and was very friendly. She’s from the Philippines and a convert. They have 2 children 11 & 5. We asked if they’d been baptized and she said, “Not in the Mormon church, but in the Catholic church because they were born in the Philippines and it’s required over there.” She didn’t seem to appreciate that the kids really needed a Mormon baptism. We have an appointment to go back next week and meet the kids and teach them a little. We hope we can bring the parents back to church.
This afternoon we visited a sister from New Zealand. She said it was really good we had come because she was having some really hard times. She’s been living with her partner for 17 years and has 4 kids. He basically pays the bills, drinks, smokes and leaves everything else to her. Her older son is rebelling against school and her and just wants to stay at home and do nothing all day. The kids don’t help at all. She wants a different lifestyle. We listened and talked and left with the promise that she’d be at church Sunday. She wants to visit with the bishop about the situation with her partner. Our hearts just ached for her because of the pain that she’s now suffering for a decision she made 17 years ago.
Then we went to Michelle Oxby’s. It’s a delight to visit her. She’s trying so hard to bring herself back to the church. She’s gone 4 days without a cigarette. Her “ex” boyfriend has been trying to get back with her and she’s holding out strong that she doesn’t want to get involved in another relationship. We showed her and Kiera the Restoration DVD. (Kalen was at a sleepover.) We assigned Michelle to read the Joseph Smith pamphlet with the kids and show Kalen the DVD. She gave the closing prayer and it was beautiful. She’s planning to bring the kids to church Sunday. Sure hope she does!

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