Monday, April 4, 2011


March 29, 2011 Tuesday

We taught 4 lessons today. We visited with Sotos and taught them the last official New Member Discussion about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. By the time you get to that lesson with already baptized folks, they know most of those principles.
This afternoon, we went to Tata and Graham’s (more new member lessons). We took the DVD “Legacy” to show them and then we discussed the faith it took for the pioneers to endure all that they went through. We also talked about the fact that just because they are members of the church doesn’t mean that they won’t have trials. Just as we were leaving, their home teacher showed up—did you notice that it’s the last week of the month ;o)
We also dropped by Dan and Hollie Collett’s home. They are such a cute member couple. He was inactive for many years and was really into heavy metal music. He had a stack of about 100 CD’s that he had culled out of his collection because he now realizes that he doesn’t want his kids going down the same road he went down. At $30 each, it’s a small fortune that’s he’s getting rid of. He’s hoping to sell them to a friend of his and get a little of his money back. We started talking about the fact that Paul’s wife, Diana, is going to start home schooling her kids again because of the garbage her kids are running into in the schools they attend in Germany. Hollie said that her son’s school held a “disco” at 6 pm one evening for Lachland’s grade. He’s only 5, for heaven’s sakes! She says it’s like they’re training the kids to get ready for night clubs when they are older. Crazy!
After dinner we taught James. He was home alone (no kids) and said he kind of enjoyed the quiet time. It made me laugh because he had the Disney channel on his TV when we arrived. Maybe it was too quiet? We taught the 10 Commandments and Chastity. He said he had some stuff to work on and that he’ll do it. He’s just a good, honest guy who’s trying to get his life in order and his family strong. His wife is an inactive member. They are separated right now. He’s from New Zealand but he looks more like a Mexican that a Kiwi to me.
Then we went to Moana’s. We had received a referral from the mission office last week. It was from the internet and turned out to be Moana’s daughter, Sarsha. She’d requested “Finding Faith in Christ.” So we took it over and watched it with them. Rob, her partner, but he didn’t even bother to come out of the bedroom where he was watching TV to greet us. I got the impression that the girls had no clue about the incidents in Christ’s life that were depicted on the DVD. We talked a little about it and then about prayer. We were able to commit Moana and the girls to come to church Sunday. Hope they do it.

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