Monday, April 18, 2011


April 15, 2011 Friday

As you can tell, there hasn’t been much to write about, until a cute thing happened tonight. So I’m going to give you a quick run-down of 5 days. Monday night we hosted the Senior Missionaries’ FHE. I made an apple cake and butterscotch sauce that we served with some vanilla ice cream. Sister Kruger gave a good lesson about reaching out to the “canaries with grey on their wings.” It was fun to have them here, and we didn’t have to make the 40 minute drive home like we usually do!
Tuesday we went to visit some new members who hadn’t been out to church for a while. We’d hardly sat down when they told us they were not going to come to church anymore. He used the excuse that he’d decided that Jesus didn’t really have an organized church and he could pray just as well in his home as in church. We started talking and a deeper reason came out. We were able to explain some things that helped them and they agreed to have the bishop come over to see them. As we left, he commented that it really had been a blessing that we had dropped by. And we are so glad we did!
Thursday night we gave a lesson about the Book of Mormon to Moana and her girls. It went pretty well and they said they would read it together each night for 10 minutes. Bless her heart—she messed up by becoming someone’s partner instead of wife, but she still wants her girls to have the teachings of the Gospel. Now if we can just get them coming to church.
A couple of weeks ago, Hannah Mortley delivered their 4th baby. We’ve been wanting to drop by with a gift. Our meeting tonight fell through so we called them, but no one answered. So we left a message telling them we wanted to drop by. We were in their neighborhood, so we decided to just drop off the gift if someone were at home. Orson took it to the door and gave it to their son who answered when he knocked. We’d been home an hour or so when Adam Mortley called to thank us for the gift. When they had asked who had delivered it, their little boy answered, “Jesus’ brother!” They tried and tried to figure out who that was. Finally, they saw that there was a message on their phone and decided that Orson must have been that special person. After all, aren’t we all His brothers and sisters?

1 comment:

  1. I love the comment"Jesus' brother". Yes, we are all brothers and sisters. I love to read your posts even though I don't comment all the time. I love that you are so busy and are also being loved by others because you are sharing the gospel. Challenging days but others that make your heart sing. Keep up the good work both of you and take care of yourselves. Cenia
