Friday, August 12, 2011


August 8, 2011 Monday

This morning we dropped by to see Amy. We had had an appointment for a lesson with her on Saturday, but she wasn’t there. We felt really bad about that. At church Sunday, Michelle Lode commented that when she was picking up her little girl from the sitter (Amy) on Thursday, she had seen the Book of Mormon there and commented, “Hey, I go to that church. You should come and visit us.” Amy replied that she had been going to come, but then something had come up. So when we arrived there this morning, she welcomed us right in and told us about “a lady she tended for telling her that she goes to the Mormon church.” She explained what had happened on Saturday and that she had read some in the Book of Mormon. She had some questions and we ended up staying almost an hour. She’s very inquisitive and wants to make sure she is making the right decision about where to take her children to learn about God. She made an appointment for next week so we can go back again. This Sunday is stake conference in Perth—I wish it weren’t. We’d really like her to come to church in Narrogin this week. She also told us that she and her husband are thinking of moving closer to where he works in the little town of Codington. The good news is that Codington is also part of the Narrogin Branch. It’s a good hour away from here at least, but other members drive that far each week. We talked to Michelle tonight and she said that Amy is acquainted with Jeremy and Marja Priest who are members here in Narrogin also.
We also went to visit Tracy Anniese this morning. She is a girl who has been in the hospital and is being treated for depression. The nurse at the hospital called and asked if we would drop in on her. The poor girl—she’s in her 30’s and has been diagnosed as depressed many years ago. She has an 8-year-old son, but he’s in foster care because she’s unable to care for him. She sees him once every two weeks and has lunch with him. She has no family nearby and lives in a one-room flat. Her life is depressing. She does have the J-dubs drop by. She says she likes to talk about God. It puts us in a bind. We offered to visit her as a community service; if we start talking religion with her, they’ll think we are using it to proselyte. I’m going to call Diane, the nurse, tomorrow and let her know the situation and ask her what her recommendation is.
We went tracting this afternoon and ran into a fellow who was at the potluck fellowship thing at the Anglican Church. He is in his last year of study to become a Baptist minister. He did say we could drop by next month between school terms next month and discuss things with him. He may not like hearing that his chosen profession is a sham. :o)

1 comment:

  1. Amy will be fun to teach. She already has a buddy in the church to kind of help her. I hope the hour drive won't deter her, but there is always carpooling.
    HA the Baptist minister will probably be told how to respond to everything you say ;)
