Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Crocodile Dundee?

July 24, 2010 Saturday

Today we drove to Derby to do some home and visiting teaching. One fellow we found whom we couldn’t find before was Tommy Davey. He’s about 50 years old, less active, and reminded me of Crocodile Dundee. He had the same build, narrow face, and kind of straggly blondish-brown hair. He did have tattoos down both arms but they were not ugly like a lot that you see these days. His dad is a patriarch down in Perth, but Tommy said he hasn’t gone to church since he was 14 or so. He was ordained a Deacon back then. He was nice to visit with and said we could come again.
The other visit we made was to Nikki Jensen whom we had visited before. She’s decided that in 2011 she is taking her daughter and they are moving to the states. She’s a nurse and has done the background work to know what it would take to work as a nurse over there. Evidently her father is an American. He was married, had 4 kids, then divorced his wife in the states. He ended up over here with the Navy and liked it. He married here and Nikki was born. So she can get her American citizenship very easily and her daughter can become a citizen after living there for a year. She wants to look up her family when she gets over there. Nikki has been to the temple but she says she has a few things she can’t quite get her grasp on like if she donates her money to another church and volunteers in needy projects she feels that she should be able to say she’s a full tithe payer. We talked about the fact that conversion is a process and the Lord is patient to a point. We also talked about obedience. It was an interesting visit. She’s the reason we are trying to get our church time moved to 11:00 am instead of 9:00 am. It’s a 2 hour drive from Derby to Broome, and that means getting up very early to make the 9 am church.
We saw one wallaby on the way home. He was pretty cute just sitting by the road watching everybody drive by.

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