Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Jehovah Witnesses

May 15, 2010 Saturday

We spent all of today trying to find the people that the bishop has asked us to visit first. It was strange because last week we found tons of people home on Saturday, but today we only had the chance to visit with one person.
Her name is Ada. She’s originally from Poland and has been a really strong member, but recently she’s quit coming to church. She’s divorced and has 3 grown children. So we went there around 5:30. She met us at the gate and you could tell she wasn’t too happy to see us. She said she had company from the states and they were leaving tonight at midnight. She went back into the house and soon a cute young girl came out who was very excited to meet us. Turns out she was Ada’s daughter-in-law. Ada’s son, Mick, had gone to BYU and was just finishing up his Masters Degree in Accounting. He had served a mission in Poland, and his wife, Brook, had served in Chile. They met after their missions and have one cute little boy, a three year old with blond hair long enough that everyone thinks he’s a girl. So Mick and his mom ran to do some shopping, and we had a great visit with Brook. She’s very animated and fun to talk to. She’s worried about Ada because when they were here 2 years ago, they went to church and the temple with her. This time Ada didn’t want to do any of that. Brook is from a strong LDS family in California, and Mick has a job down there starting in October working for KPMG. We plan to go back to see Ada another time when things aren’t so hectic for her. The bishop is really concerned about her.
Tonight about 8:30, I heard a bunch of car doors slamming out front. Pretty soon someone knocked on the door and called, “Jehovah Witnesses.” It was 4 Zone Leaders who had been out city contacting tonight and were dropping by to give us the new referrals. They were so cute. One had lived in this apartment before and wanted to see what we’d done with it. His comment was, “Wow, it looks so comfy.”

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