Thursday, April 22, 2010


Tomorrow is our last day here at the MTC. Before we came, I wondered how much we could learn in just 5 days. The only limit, we've found out, is the capacity of our brains. This has truly been a "spiritual high" for us. We felt the spirit the minute we walked through the door, and it has been a frequent testifier (is that a noun?) of the truths that we have been taught. There are 18 other couples going to places like the Baltic, BAltimore, Germany, England, Hawaii, an Indian reservation in Arizona, the West Indies, Jamaica, Sweden and several more than I can't call to mind right now. There are 5 other couples called to proselyting missions, a handful to CES missions, 1 humanitarian, temple mission and more. They are all incredible people whom you would like to be able to add to your list of close friends, but there isn't time. The only things we are allowed to use in our introductions are where we are from, where we are going, and how many senior missions we have served. We aren't allowed to use the "G" word--grandchildren :o) (There isn't enough time for us all to talk about them--we'd spend our whole missions here if we all got started.) The training has been wonderful. Preach My Gospel has been opened up to us. The way to teach now is so much better than it was back in prehistoric times when we served our first missions. The guidance of the spirit determines what and how we teach, and we teach according to the needs of the investigator instead of just checking off a list of 6 discussions. It's wonderful. We've had the opportunity to teach some lessons to "investigators"--senior volunteers who come in to play the role of non-members for us. Even in those role-playing situations, the spirit often tells us what to say and touches us in such a way that we know what's being taught is true. We heard from a senior couple today who has served 4 missions--3 to Tahiti and 1 to New Zealand. It was so inspiring to hear them and what they did. The young kids who have taught us how to teach are so great. We love them. So far, the only improvement we've been able to come up with: recliners.